Smoking cannabis in Mississauga
Mississauga has become a hub for some of the best cannabis in Ontario. Ever since cannabis was legalized and Mississauga was green-lighted to start opening up dispensaries, many people have come in and out of shops to get their cannabis but also to ask a certain question. Where can I smoke? Today we will discuss what exactly are the smoking rules and regulations.
I love going to “aesthetic” or “scenic” places to smoke. Just the thought of being around fluffy green grass, vibrant colorful trees and flowers, and clear blue water makes me want to spark up a joint. Other people probably have the same thoughts and are curious about where to go. Well in Mississauga there are quite a few places where we can go and smoke. First I will start with the areas that we aren’t allowed to go to.

Where not to smoke cannabis in Mississauga…
First and foremost the number one place that anyone shouldn’t be smoking is school grounds. Especially where little children are, even high schools and colleges are off limits. There is a rule in place that you must be 20 meters from the following places; schools, playgrounds, child care centers, hospitals, psychiatric facilities, long-term care homes, and independent health facilities. This is so everyone can be safe. If you are caught smoking around any of these areas it can be punishable by fines and/or greater consequences.
Where you can smoke cannabis in Mississauga…
Now for some places where we can smoke. So generally we can smoke in public parks, since it’s an open area, you are permitted to smoke. You can smoke on the sidewalk as you’re taking a stroll or you can smoke in any area where they have smoking allowed signs. In private areas such as your home whether it be a house or building, you are allowed to smoke so long as the building permits smoking inside the units, note most buildings don’t under the smoke free Ontario act. Otherwise, you’ll have to smoke on the balcony and be sure to check if your building allows for smoking on the balcony either as most buildings have strict rules around these.
What’s most ideal is to step outside, enjoy the fresh air somewhere, away from any schools or highly public and enclosed settings and enjoy your joint in a relaxed outdoor setting.
Mississauga is a pretty free place when it comes to smoking. As long as you follow the rules that the city have established, then you won’t need to worry about being able to spark up. With these rules in place, it ensures that everyone is able to safely consume cannabis and not put others in harms way.
If you need to find anymore information about where to smoke you can follow this link to the Ontario’s rules and regulations for cannabis https://www.ontario.ca/page/where-you-cant-smoke-or-vape-ontario . This will provide you with everything that you need to know about where you can smoke in Ontario. To be able to find out more about what to expect when smoking, follow this link to a new smokers guide https://store.potherb.ca/new-smokers-guide-what-to-expect-when-you-start-smoking/.
Where to visit us…
To visit us in store and shop for flower, pre-rolls or anything else check out our location here https://g.co/kgs/9zdsVCS.
Centennial park
As a footnote, if you visit Potherb in Mississauga, Centennial park located right across Potherb is one the largest parks in the GTA, and an excellent place to find a spot to sit and enjoy some weed, whether it’s a nice drink, a joint, a blunt or edible, especially on a nice day.
Centennial park is located here https://g.co/kgs/f2T1y3y
This isn’t legal advice, but rather me sharing my personal understanding of the local laws and regulations. For proper information directly from the province of Ontario, visit this page. With all of this information that has been provided, I hope that you now have some knowledge on where it is safe to smoke and what the rules are. Cannabis can be fun, just make sure you stay safe!